Chapter 7: Development of the Brain and Nervous System

7.9: Discussion Questions and Resources

Discussion Questions

  1. Describe neural stages of development from neuron growth to neuron death.
  2. In what ways does the embryonic stage of development set the stage for the development of adult structures of the nervous system?
  3. Compare and contrast sensitive and critical periods of development.
  4. In what ways does the trade-off between neuroplasticity and neural efficiency shape brain function and behavior?

Outside Resources

Video: Neural Stem Cells

Video: Joan Stiles Lecture: The Developing Brain

Video: 2 minute walk-through on Early Neural Development

Web: Build Your Network – An interactive module demonstrating how neurons transfer information



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Biological Psychology [1st Edition] Copyright © 2024 by Michael J. Hove and Steven A. Martinez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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