Media Options


image of the book cover of The Whole Child: Development in the Early Years

The ROTEL graphic designer will work closely with the author to design the book cover.


For ROTEL Projects, images and illustrations that are included in a published book must either be original work from the author, in the Public Domain or have a Creative Common (CC) license. In some cases, copyrighted images may be used if they meet the definition for Fair Use. The ROTEL Publishing Team with work closely with the author to ensure all images have the correct attributions and appropriate alternative text.

Sources for Finding Images with CC Licenses

Audios & Videos

For ROTEL Projects, Videos that are included in a published book must either be original work from the author or linked from a trusted online source. In some cases, a very limited part of copyrighted videos may be used if they meet the definition for Fair Use. The ROTEL Publishing Team with work closely with the author to ensure all audio/videos used in the book have the appropriate attributions and accessibility features.

  • Text transcript
  • Audio description
  • Closed caption

HTML5 Package (H5P)

H5P makes it easy for the author to create interactive content either from new or existing materials. There are over 45 H5P examples to choose from. The publishing team create the H5P activities and embed them into the book if the author would like to add these features.

Multiple Intelligences

  • Original Pie Chart

    graphic of circle divided into eight equal slices labeled Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Naturalistic, Intrapersonal, Visual-Spatial

  • H5P Drag and Drop


The Genderbread Person v4

  • Original Infographic

  • H5P Image Hotspot

What is Web Accessibility?

  • H5P Interactive Video



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

PST Showcase of Decisions Copyright © 2023 by ROTEL Grant is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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