Publishing Milestones

The process of publishing with ROTEL from beginning to end can be laid out as:

Steps in the Writing/Publishing Process
  • Textbook Success and Pre-Writing
    • Textbook Success Program from Rebus is run, showcasing successful best practices for developing the work.
    • Authors complete the projected outline of the work along with the first sample chapter to begin work with the PST
  • Writing
    • Authors write their chapters, reaching out to OTCC and PST as issues/concerns arise.
    • Authors will upload chapters as they are completed for early copyediting as appropriate.
  • Draft Completion
    • All chapters are submitted and copyediting begins
    • Media discussions and uploading begins with PST. This includes:
      • Chapter Outline
      • H5P
      • Images
  • Content Revisions
    • Copyeditors finalize chapter content with Authors to prepare for upload
    • Any changes with H5P or Media get adjusted
    • Authors begin working with graphic designer on book cover approval
  • Uploading
    • Technical Editor works with Author on design choices such as:
        • Theme
        • Textboxes
        • LaTeX
    • Technical Editor uploads content, adjusting images and media as appropriate for design choices. Any major adjustments or questions are brought back to the Author.
  • Final Review
    • Meeting between Author(s) and PST members to go over the final draft while pointing out any significant changes that were made from the original draft.
    • Authors work with PST on a timeline to do a final review of the content for approval.
  • Final Touches
    • All required Front and Back Matter is added if missing.
    • Book Info is updated, including:
        • Cover
        • Short, Medium, and Long Descriptions
        • Peer Reviewers
  • Publication
    • PST either sends a congratulatory email announcing the publication or meets with the author(s) to publish.
    • Information is collected by ROTEL administration for assessment
    • Book is listed in the catalogue for PressBooks
Publishing Support Team

Marilyn Billings – Supervisor

Rick Lizotte – Copyeditor

Jess Egan – Copyeditor

Minh Le – Media Specialist

Vicky Gavin – Technical Editor

To Contact the Publishing Support Team (PST), contact

An infographic with the milestones laid out and the PST structure and contact information


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PST Showcase of Decisions Copyright © 2023 by ROTEL Grant is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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