Book and Chapter Requirements

1. There must be a list or description of course objectives for each chapter.

2. The chapter sections and subsections must follow a cascading Heading order.

3. Needless to say–the text must be free of vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling errors.

[And use the serial or Oxford comma for groupings of three or more items before the final and in the list.]

4. The chapters must have a consistent tone (talking directly to students–we/you– or maintaining an impersonal academic style). The reading level of the book’s target audience might need to be tested.

5. The book and its chapters must have elements that show representation in text discussions and/or images of diversity in some aspect of race, sexual orientation, ethnic groupings, neural divergence, and any other underrepresented groups in society.

6. All the elements in the chapters must be accessible to students of varying abilities.

7. The book/chapters must follow the ROTEL Project Style Guide, which includes

  1. Having a Land Acknowledgement statement at the beginning of the book concerning Indigenous groups
  2. Using Best Practices for using Tables in Pressbooks
  3. Using Alt Text for all imagesĀ  that are connected to the text content and are not merely decorative
  4. Having citations for all work referred to in the most commonly used styles–MLA, APA, The Chicago Manual of Style, or whatever style is commonly used for the field of the book’s subject matter.




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