
Icons, Textboxes, and Images

Icons and Textboxes

Throughout the text, there are textboxes of various colors with icons to differentiate them, as follows:


These boxes work through examples.


These boxes provide instructions and guidance for activities for you to try.

Pull Outs

These boxes include additional information and interesting side notes that aren’t crucial to the text but that might be interesting.

Key Points

These boxes, which appear at the end of most chapters, list the key takeaways from the chapter. Short chapters don’t have these.

Sometimes you will see textboxes with an arrow. I have used these when the textbox is long.


Click for more information.

Clicking on the arrow will open the box so that you can get the full information. Most of the ones that are closed are long.

All icons come from Iconoir. All icons on this site are open source.

Attribution and Images

Attributions for any materials not generated by me appear at the end of each chapter.

Any unattributed images are my own creation and share the license of this book: CC BY-SA 4.0