Book Title: Algebra, Patterns, and Functions for Elementary School Teachers: A Workbook Approach

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Book Description: This text is an accessible interactive workbook designed for future teachers with material on algebra, patterns, functions and statistics as they relate to elementary and middle school mathematics and beyond. It aims to use a universal language with clarity of expression that is reader friendly for all. It includes word problems and activities that strive to be relevant to a variety of cultures and genders. It includes components of UDL: material presented in multiple ways, scaffolding, extra explanations and a variety of examples and activities.
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Book Description
This text is an accessible interactive workbook designed for future teachers with material on algebra, patterns, functions and statistics as they relate to elementary and middle school mathematics and beyond. It aims to use a universal language with clarity of expression that is reader friendly for all. It includes word problems and activities (in various formats) that strive to be relevant to a variety of cultures and genders. Mathematical concepts are defined in multiple ways and extra explanations and scaffolding are included. A variety of examples and activities are incorporated to accommodate different learning types. The text includes corresponding mathematics standards from both the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework which is based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Algebra, Patterns, and Functions for Elementary School Teachers: A Workbook Approach Copyright © 2024 by Mary Ann Barbato is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.