H5P activities list

This book includes 15 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Types of Bias (Demo)Drag and Drop
2Chapter 1: ALGEBRAIC THINKINGIframe Embedder
3Chapter 2: Patterns Informal Math ModelingIframe Embedder
4Chapter 3: Functions (Informal Math Modeling)Iframe Embedder
5Chapter 4: Linear Functions (Informal Math Modeling)Iframe Embedder
6Chapter 5: Quadratic Functions (Informal Math Modeling)Iframe Embedder
7Chapter 6: Basic Statistics (Informal Math Modeling)Iframe Embedder
8Front matter (Informal Math Modeling)Iframe Embedder
9Back Matter (Informal Math Modeling)Iframe Embedder
10Solve equations using pan balanceIframe Embedder
11Chapter 3.1 Extra Practices Q1-6Interactive Book
12Chapter 3.1 Extra Practices Q7-12Interactive Book
13Chapter 3.1 Extra Practices Q13-18Interactive Book
142.2 ExamplesInteractive Book
15Example 6.1.3Drag the Words