Pre-Class Work
Watch the two videos below about algebra and respond to the prompts that follow.
- Algebra made Easy. Math concepts for kids (~ 3 min.)
- Algebra Basics. What is Algebra-Math Antics (Subscribe to this channel as we will be using various videos from it) (~ 12 min.)
Prompts to respond to for pre-class work:
- What did you learn about the origins of algebra? Explain in 2-3 sentences .
- How is algebra different from arithmetic? Explain with an example .
- What is the biggest power of algebra? How does it make our life better? Why do we need algebra? (There is no right or wrong answer here. Just share your thoughts !)
Alternate Pre-Class Work: Write a page on the history of algebra at the elementary level as if explaining it to a 4th grader (compare/contrast with arithmetic)