Book Title: The Art of Music: Music Appreciation with an Equity Lens

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Book Description: The Art of Music: Music Appreciation with an Equity Lens is a music appreciation textbook that features musical examples and photographs that represent the demographics of our students today. Special attention has been paid in choosing to represent women and minorities. World Music photographs and videos represent the music's areas of origin.
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Book Description
The Art of Music: Music Appreciation with an Equity Lens is a comprehensive music appreciation textbook with musical and cultural examples from medieval to present times. The text, photographs and musical examples represent populations typically underserved in professional music. Women, minorities, and practitioners from the music’s areas of origin are highlighted in each chapter. The text can be used in its entirety, or by choosing specific time periods or chapters.
The Art of Music: Music Appreciation with an Equity Lens Copyright © 2024 by Amy McGlothlin and Jennifer Bill is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Music: styles and genres