
Sample Assignments – VI. What is Culture and Why is it Important?


The role of culture in our daily interactions is extraordinary.  It frames our body language, our understanding of one another, and our implied and explicit statements.  Culture, cultural differences, and cultural similarities can make or break the collaboration between children, families, schools, and communities.  While this module is not a comprehensive look at cultural capital, it does offer a glimpse of how important it is in our daily educational settings to create inclusive spaces for children and families.

Cultural capital refers to the non-financial social assets that influence an individual’s social mobility and success. These assets include

  • education,
  • intellect,
  • style of speech,
  • dress, and
  • physical appearance.

You will find it helpful to review the following pre-view videos to pair with your reading:

Cultural Capital

Learning About a Child’s Family Culture

Discussion A

  1. Reflect on your own school experience as either a student or a teacher.  Describe a time when culture played a significant role in how families, teachers, and students interacted with one another.  In your description, explore norms, symbols, and language that surfaced during those interactions.
  2. Identify bias during those interactions.
  3. Offer at least one concrete recommendation to improve the interaction.

Reading Review

Discuss the following questions.

  1. Reflect on how ethnocentrism and/or xenocentrism affect the dynamics between families and schools.  How can recognizing and addressing ethnocentrism and/or xenocentrism improve relationships and outcomes in the school community?
  2. How do cultural biases and assumptions from both educators and parents influence communication, expectations, and the educational experiences of students?
  3. Reflect on a time when cultural humility, cultural capital, and/or funds of knowledge were integral to the outcome of a school or community based discussion.  Who participated in the discussion?  Describe the purpose of the discussion.  Describe the emotion within the discussion.  Was the outcome positive or negative?  Were all stakeholders collaborative and equitable?  Recommend additional strategies for highlighting cultural humility, cultural capital, and funds of knowledge in that discussion.


  1. Describe two unwritten cultural rules and expectations of your school or community.  How do those unwritten rules create or dismantle barriers for inclusive collaboration of families and children?

Optional Bonus A

  1. Review the Communications with Families slideshow.
  2. Read Recognizing and Addressing Microaggressions in Teacher-Family Relationships
  3. Choose a microaggression that you have experienced or witnessed in an educational setting:
  • Describe what happened.
  • What is the hidden message?

Optional Bonus B

  1. Read the Anti-Bias Education and Holidays
  2. Review Chapter VI.
  3. Summarize the article.
  4. Identify 2 key takeaways that you will bring into your professional practice.