
Sample Assignments – VII. Honoring Linguistic Diversity


Linguistic diversity is a reflection of the broader cultural diversity within a community. Community bonds are strengthened when schools and communities show an understanding and appreciation for different languages. Families feel connected, welcomed, respected, and are more likely to participate in community activities and school events. This engagement leads to stronger partnerships between families and schools which fosters a supportive environment for children’s development.

In this chapter, you will explore linguistic diversity from a strengths based perspective.  You will learn about key legal terms and data that will help you contextualize and frame linguistic diversity in your community.

You will find it helpful to review the following preview videos to pair with your reading:

Supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in early childhood

Embracing Multilingualism and Eradicating Linguistic Bias | Karen Leung | TEDxWWU

Discussion A

  1. Read Celebrating Linguistic Diversity in Your Classroom
  2. Choose one of the following prompts to respond to and discuss:
    • Reflect on a meaningful language experience from your life. Describe a moment when language played a crucial role in shaping your identity. How did this experience influence your perspective on language diversity in your community or classroom?
    • Create your own language portrait. Use different mediums such as writing, drawing, or multimedia to depict the languages you think in, speak with family and friends, learn, and aspire to learn. Reflect on why these languages are important to you and how they contribute to your sense of identity and connection with others.
    • Imagine organizing a language diversity celebration at your school. Describe what activities, performances, or displays you would include to showcase the languages spoken by students and their families. How would you involve the entire school community in recognizing and appreciating the richness of linguistic diversity?

Reading Review

  1. Read Chapter VII.
  2. Identify and read at least 3 children’s book published in the last 10 years that highlight linguistically diverse characters.
    • Summarize each book and describe the main characters.
    • Are the character(s) story presented from a strengths or deficit based lens?
    • Reflect back to Table A: Terms and Categories for Children from Diverse Linguistic Backgrounds.  Which category best describes the main characters?

3. Reflect back to Table B:  Terms and Categories for Programs for Children from Diverse Linguistic Backgrounds.

    • Research your community or cities and towns in your state for programs for children from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
    • Identify at least one specific program for each category.
    • List the name of the program, its contact information, and its vision or mission statement.


The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education uses the Blueprint for English Learner Success.  It’s vision statement outlines that “English learners in Massachusetts attend schools in which all educators share responsibility for their success, engage effectively with their families, and value and nurture their linguistic and cultural assets. English learners are taught by effective, well-prepared, and culturally responsive educators who hold them to high standards and have the materials and professional learning they need to advance students’ academic and linguistic development simultaneously. English learners have equitable access to meaningful and rigorous learning opportunities that build on their cultural and linguistic assets and the academic, linguistic, social, and emotional supports they need to excel. English learners thrive in high school and graduate with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful in college and/or a career of their choice, and to contribute to civic life in a global community.”

  1. Review strategies for the classroom, school, district, and state for Pillar 1: School Culture, Building Block 2:  Effective Family Engagement.
  2. Reflect on your experiences as a child in school, as a parent of a school-age child, or as an educator.  Describe a time when you witnessed a family and school collaboration that exemplified a strategy identified in the classroom, school, district, or state.

Optional Bonus A

  1. Work though Teaching English Language Learners:  Effective Instructional Practices from the IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University.
  2. Complete the Assessment questions.

Optional Bonus B

  1. Work through one of the following modules from the Virtual Lab School’s Supporting Language Diversity: Direct Care
    1. Promoting Language Diversity in the Early Years and Beyond
    2. Environments and Experiences to Promote Language Diversity
    3. Engaging Language Diversity in Adults: Families, Coworkers, & Communities
  2. Complete the Apply and Demonstrate sections for the module you chose.