
Data and Demographics

Linguistic diversity in schools in the United States is significant and growing. The data reflects a wide array of languages spoken by students and underscores the importance of addressing the needs of children from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Here are some key statistics and insights about linguistic diversity in U.S. schools from the National Center for Education Statistics:
The data table represented in the map is at the end of this chapter.

Pause to Reflect:

  1. Which three states had the highest percentages of English Learners (ELs) in their public school populations in fall 2021?
  2. What was the range of percentages for states that identified at least 6.0 but less than 10.0 percent of their students as ELs?
  3. How did the percentage of ELs in Massachusetts compare to the percentage in West Virginia, and what does this tell you about the regional differences in EL populations?

Bar graphs of percents

The data table represented in the map is at the end of this chapter.

Pause to Reflect!

  1. What trend was observed in the percentage of English Learners (ELs) across different grade levels in fall 2021?
  2. How does this data inform programming and support services for schools and communities?
Number and percentage distribution of English learners (ELs) in public schools and number of ELs as a percentage of total public school enrollment, by the 10 most commonly reported home languages of ELs: Fall 2021
Home Language Number of ELs Percentage distribution of ELs1 Number of ELs as a % of total enrollment
Spanish, Castilian 4,023,289 76.4 8.4
Arabic 130,917 2.5 0.3
English2 116,771 2.2 0.2
Chinese 95,584 1.8 0.2
Vietnamese 75,070 1.4 0.2
Portuguese 50,205 1.0 0.1
Russian 39,403 0.7 0.1
Haitian, Haitian Creole 31,122 0.6 0.1
Hmong 30,181 0.6 0.1
Urdu 26,567 0.5 0.1

1 Detail does not sum to 100 percent because not all home language categories are shown.

2 Examples of situations in which English might be reported as an English learner’s home language include students who live in multilingual households and students adopted from other countries who were raised speaking another language but currently live in households where English is spoken.

NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Includes all students identified as ELs–both those participating in EL programs and those not participating in EL programs. Excludes ELs who are enrolled in prekindergarten.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, EDFacts file 141, Data Group 678, 2021-22, extracted December 12, 2023. See Digest of Education Statistics 2023, table 204.27.

Pause to Reflect!

  1. Which home language was the most commonly reported among EL public school students in fall 2021?
  2. Which languages do you see represented in your own community and schools?
  3. Which languages are you familiar with?  Unfamiliar with?  Where are these languages spoken?



Data table represented on Figure 1’s map and Figure 3’s graph:

Figure 1. Table Percentage of public school students who were English learners (ELs), by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2021 [National Center for Education Statistics]
State or jurisdiction Percentage low to high
Less than 3.0 percent
Puerto Rico 0.272795577
West Virginia 0.754194365
Vermont 2.037511164
Montana 2.376244216
Wyoming 2.725231757
New Hampshire 2.836387165
3.0 to less than 6.0 percent
Mississippi 3.076244344
Maine 3.129059262
North Dakota 3.326088445
Ohio 3.794163976
Missouri 3.843172375
Pennsylvania 4.57892551
South Dakota 4.627513145
Alabama 4.672753564
Louisiana 4.871665769
Kentucky 5.416063549
Idaho 5.780918863
Tennesee 5.798984458
South Carolina 5.842141794
Wisconsin 5.944711518
6.0 to less than 10.0 percent
Iowa 6.203920017
MI 6.383767681
IN 6.96973351
NE 7.304832033
GA 7.683147842
NC 7.965785987
KS 7.984154059
AR 8.122108402
NJ 8.229420256
AZ 8.239682198
UT 8.298042939
MN 8.806831889
OK 9.294457103
CT 9.365411929
VA 9.394750423
FL 9.513459406
OR 9.537296881
NY 9.691425118
10.0 percent or more
HI 10.02032591
CO 10.43689679
MA 10.54669011
United States AVERAGE 10.64791982
AK 10.78695438
Maryland 11.18211696
Washington, DC 11.28694831
Washington 11.44213304
Deleware 11.53892879
Rhode Island 12.47708673
Illinois 12.81890861
Bureau of Indian Edu. 12.86933481
Nevada 13.76826782
New Mexico 18.80265795
California 18.92036689
Texas 20.15188778


Media Attributions

  • Percentage of ELs by state Fall 2021 © Education. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved [date], from https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cgf. is licensed under a Public Domain license
  • Percentage ELL by State © Education. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved 11/5/2024