
I’m Not Biased, Am I?

Tracy Rains


image of the word "bias" on an ipad with a definitionBias is a universal human condition. It is not a personal defect, but it is important to recognize your biases and manage them. We cannot cure unconscious bias, but we can address it. This lesson will provide you the opportunity to identify your personal biases. You have them, even if you think you don’t! You are encouraged to try this lesson so you can be more aware of your personal biases and take the necessary steps to reduce their impact on your life.

Activities in this Seminar

Your seminar consists of a variety of pages and activities to help you learn this concept. Navigate by scrolling through the pages, or by clicking a page name below.

Engage – introductory warm-up activity.

Explore – collection of resources to read, watch and try.

Explain – discuss your ideas / opinions / understandings.

Evaluate – quiz for your own self-checking.

Elaborate – task or project where you can show what you know.

Express – wrap-up activity where you reflect on your learning.

Learning Objectives

Learning Target

I can recognize my implicit bias and outline ways to manage my bias.

Habits of Mind

Thinking about thinking (Metacognition)

Critical Thinking Skills


Academic/Concept Vocabulary



Explicit Bias

Implicit bias

Explicit bias



CC.8.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Resources Needed

Access to the Internet

Computer or mobile device



Click on the link below to participate in a brief study conducted by Harvard University. You will be asked to agree to the terms.  Select a test that you are interested in completing. You can choose between approximately 20 tests (gender, sexual orientation, age, weight, etc.). The purpose of the Implicit Association Test is for you to discover if you have an automatic preference for a particular group over another.



Explore these resources to learn about the implicit bias. You can pick and choose to read, watch, then do the activity  listed.


image of books and a tablet

Read the Unconscious Bias article to gain a better of understanding of unconscious bias and how you can make an effort to prevent your biases from affecting your decisions.  For a more detailed look at the types of cognitive biases, read 12 Cognitive Biases That Prevent You From Being Rational. For a more simplified chart of the types of cognitive bias, take a look at 20 Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Decisions.


image of taking picture with smartphone

Watch this brief video (Understanding Unconscious Bias) to gain a better understanding of unconscious bias and how you can make an effort to prevent your biases from affecting your decisions. Google created a short video titled, Unconscious Bias at Google, to provide insight on the importance of recognizing your personal biases and limiting their effects. For a more detailed look at the types of cognitive biases, watch 12 Cognitive Biases Explained.

<image of pen and notepad


Head over to Quizlet to practice flashcards, matching, and other activities to help enhance your understanding of the types of cognitive biases.


image of talking bubbles

Implicit (or unconscious) bias refers to bias that we are unaware of, bias that just sort of happens. It happens automatically when our brain makes quick judgments of people based on our cultural background and experiences.


Take the Snap Judgment quiz to discover your unconscious bias.

Discussion questions:

Which of the people in the Snap Judgment quiz do you think you were quickest to judge?  What made you so quick to judge?



Now it is time to self check how much you have learned about bias.  If you do not know as much as you thought, go back to the “Explore” section of this seminar and reread, rewatch, or redo the activities listed.  See your facilitator if you have questions.

Click here to take the quiz online. You do not have to log into the quiz site in order to take this quiz. If a window pops up asking you to sign up for the quiz site, just close the sign-up window and start your quiz.


wordle of 101 ways to show what you know


As human beings, we tend to share common cultural traits with the people we trust most.  Complete the Trusted 10 activity to outline the ten people that you trust most. Try to avoid listing family members. If you can’t think of ten people that you trust, simply list as many as you can. Before you type on the template, be sure to make a copy of the document.  Only type on your copy. When you have finished the activity and responded to the questions, submit your answers for review.  Your responses to the Trusted 10 activity will be scored using this rubric.


Did you realize that you were guilty of being biased before this lesson? Have you ever felt like a victim of bias? How can you be an ally to students at school or families in the community who experience bias?

Media Attributions


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

I'm Not Biased, Am I? Copyright © 2025 by Sarah Gilleman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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