Book Title: Understanding Organisms: An Evolutionary, Ecological and Comparative Approach

Author: Thea Popolizio

Book Description: Understanding organisms—their evolution, ecology and body systems— is at the heart of this free and open resource geared toward introductory-level college biology majors. This text has been adapted and curated with a lens toward representation and inclusivity. Student engagement is encouraged through ample graphics, embedded media and linked supplementary resources throughout, as well as interactive, responsive H5P practice activities.

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Book Information

Book Description

This resource has been prepared for one semester of an introductory-level college biology course with foundational themes of evolution, ecology, and comparative body systems. The first unit explores the origins and defining characteristics of living things and compares the earliest and simplest life forms with more complex cellular life. One of the common features of all life is that it requires energy; the next section explores the why and how of energy acquisition and relationships between the metabolic pathways. After a primer on photosynthesis and energy production via respiration, the next few sections delve into the form and physiology of plants and animals, focusing on water and food transport in plants, and in the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and reproductive systems of diverse animals. These systems were selected to serve as an introduction to animal physiology because they can be easily interleaved with other core course concepts such as energy flow and nutrient cycling through ecosystems, population genetics, bioenergetics, or speciation. The final sections of the text provide a basis for understanding evolutionary change, biodiversity, and the history and relatedness of life on Earth.

Understanding Organisms is an adapted textbook remixed from a variety of openly licensed sources, with additional content introduced by the author. Throughout the chapters, embedded media and special content boxes linking a diverse collection of web-based resources (e.g., popular science articles, podcasts, interactive tutorials, simulations, etc.) promote engagement and independent learning. Many of these highlight the work of biologists from diverse backgrounds or make connections between the biology content and real-world concerns. Chapter content was adapted to improve accuracy and inclusivity in topics such as sexual reproduction, sex determination, and sexual selection. Each section includes interactive H5P content in the form of no-stakes practice activities with instant feedback that allows students to self-check their understanding while engaging with the text.


Thea Popolizio


Biology, life sciences


Understanding Organisms: An Evolutionary, Ecological and Comparative Approach
Thea Popolizio
Primary Subject
Biology, life sciences
Additional Subject(s)
Developmental biology, Marine biology, Plant biology
Salem State University
ROTEL (Remixing Open Textbooks with an Equity Lens) Project
Publication Date
October 7, 2024