Part 2: Quantitative Reasoning
By studying Quantitative Reasoning, we can analyze and interpret mathematical information as a means to evaluate arguments and make informed choices.
As you begin your day and catch up on those news articles, you click on one about crime in your area. The author includes a graph that breaks down crime by racial group and then proceeds to analyze the data and present conclusions that seem a bit inconsistent. You have two choices: you can accept what the author is claiming or you can take a closer look at the data for yourself and apply Quantitative Reasoning skills, making your own conclusions or choosing to find other data to support or contradict it.
Concepts to Consider
On social media, you will often see memes with something along the lines of: “Another day has passed, and I didn’t use math once.” These may earn a bit of a laugh, but the truth is they are completely inaccurate. When we think of math as more than numbers or “getting a correct answer,” as Quantitative Reasoning, we can realize that it is really a set of skills for thinking and communicating that involves, according to the Mathematical Association of America’s report “Quantitative Reasoning for College Graduates: A Complement to the Standards” (originally published in 1994), “drawing inferences from data, interpreting models, estimating results, assessing risks, suggesting alternatives, and even making reasonable, testable guesses.” The report also talks about how Quantitative Reasoning complements and reinforces reasoning skills in general, particularly problem-solving (see Procedural and Logical Thinking in chapter 5). We rely on it regularly in our lives, and it enhances our lives to have effective skills in this area. Quantitative Reasoning helps us understand our relationship to the world from a mathematical perspective and be able to process numerical information and data, which comes to us in various forms, from the written to the visual such as graphs and charts. We use it to figure out finances and career moves, even to decide which school system is best for our children. Indeed, even hobbies – for example, as Bennet Attaway, et. al. (2023), “we would expect that fans of tabletop role-playing games should be well-acquainted with basic probability.” Math is everywhere!
A joint statement by the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and TODOS: Mathematics for ALL, “Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability” (2016), states that Quantitative Reasoning is “both a mirror and a lens to understand the world around us” and “an analytical tool to understand, critique, and transform the world” (p. 3). They continue that “[m]athematics can be used to problem-solve and model real-world phenomena, sociopolitical situations, community issues, and power relationships.” Mathematics for Social Justice: Focusing on Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics by Gizem Karaali and Lily S. Khadjavi (2021) discusses how Quantitative Reasoning can be applied to studying and finding solutions to issues such as poverty, gentrification, human rights, income gaps and the minimum wage, crime, racial profiling, nutrition, recycling, and gerrymandering, among others (see Diverse Perspectives in chapter 5).
The Mathematical Association of America’s “A Common Vision for Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Programs in 2025” (Saxxe and Brady, 2015, p. 6) comments that “[s]ociety benefits from college graduates who are generally educated in higher mathematics, whose lives and social activities are influenced by their understanding of mathematics and, through it, of interesting aspects of history and culture.” The “Quantitative Reasoning for College Graduates” report asserts that Quantitative Reasoning skills “enhance the quality of citizens” (see Civic Learning in chapter 5). Much of how our civic systems’ work relies on the analysis of numerical data. The decision of how much funding a certain educational district receives is often reliant upon data concerning demographics, test scores, and tax contributions. Crime laws emerge out of various statistics. Census data drives many choices, including the shape of voting districts. Being an informed citizen means being able to apply Quantitative Reasoning skills.
Besides civic life, Quantitative Reasoning is an essential part of many majors and careers. “A Common Vision” (p. 5) states, “Courses in the mathematical sciences have been taught as part of a classical education for thousands of years and continue to gain new meaning and relevance. There are now, perhaps more than ever, amazing career opportunities for people with training in mathematically-intensive fields.” They view general education Quantitative Reasoning courses as “pathways into many different STEM majors and also as key components in the preparation of scientifically-literate citizens” (p.6). Business, engineering, biology, chemistry, economics, math education, psychological science, sociology, and geography are among some of the most obvious and well-known majors that utilize Quantitative Reasoning, but they are also underlying skills in criminal justice, public health, journalism, political science, history, and exercise and sports science, just to name a few.
It is common for some people to believe that they are not “good” at math, and therefore are not a good fit for Quantitative Reasoning courses. Due to societal pressures, women and historically marginalized groups in particular demonstrate this belief at higher rates (“Quantitative Reasoning for College Graduates”). Attaway, et. al. (2023), find that “[b]eyond anxiety, adults may have a range of affective responses toward math and quantification, and those who find math difficult may equally react with skepticism or with uncritical trust in numbers.” In fact, Quantitative Reasoning skills, like other general education skills, are not innate, but learned, and anyone can improve with practice (see chapter 2.3 on neuroplasticity).
Special note: check out the Lathisms website dedicated to “showcasing the contributions of Latinx and Hispanic mathematicians” and Spectra, the Association for LGBT Mathematicians.

“In an increasingly data-driven world, the ability to understand, interpret, and analyze quantitative information is essential for making informed decisions, solving complex problems, and engaging in meaningful research. Quantitative Reasoning is broadly applicable to countless disciplines by providing a fundamental framework for comprehending and navigating the vast amount of numerical data that permeates our society. Quantitative Reasoning equips students with the skills needed to evaluate information critically. In an era of information overload, it is essential to be able to assess the reliability and validity of numerical data. By cultivating Quantitative Reasoning skills, students become discerning consumers of information, capable of differentiating between sound statistical analyses and misleading claims. They learn to question assumptions, recognize biases, and apply logical reasoning to quantitative arguments. Quantitative Reasoning also fosters problem-solving abilities. By engaging with numerical data, students learn to identify patterns, draw connections, and develop hypotheses. They acquire the capacity to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable components and apply mathematical and statistical techniques to arrive at viable solutions. This analytical mindset enables students to tackle challenges in diverse domains, from designing experiments and analyzing survey data to predicting market trends and optimizing business operations. In addition, Quantitative Reasoning empowers students to contribute meaningfully to research and innovation. Many scientific disciplines rely on quantitative methodologies to generate new knowledge and drive progress. By developing proficiency in statistical analysis and data interpretation, students gain the tools to participate in cutting-edge research, explore novel ideas, and make original contributions to their respective fields. Moreover, in a world increasingly shaped by technology and artificial intelligence, Quantitative Reasoning provides a foundation for understanding algorithms, data modeling, and machine learning principles, enabling students to navigate and leverage these emerging technologies effectively. Lastly, Quantitative Reasoning has practical applications beyond academia. In today’s data-driven job market, employers seek candidates who possess strong quantitative skills. From finance and marketing to healthcare and engineering, professionals in various industries rely on Quantitative Reasoning to inform decision-making, assess risks, and drive innovation. By developing competency in quantitative vocabulary and analyses, students enhance their employability and open doors to a wide array of rewarding career opportunities. By mastering Quantitative Reasoning, students become adept at navigating the increasingly data-centric world and are better prepared to make informed decisions, tackle complex challenges, and contribute meaningfully to their chosen fields.” – Dr. Benjamin Levy, Mathematics, Fitchburg State University
Quantitative Reasoning and Good, Necessary Trouble
“Using mathematics as a tool to critically analyze systemic racism has a long history in the United States. In 1900 W.E.B. DuBois predicted, quite prophetically, that ‘the problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line.’ DuBois was also among the first to invoke mathematics and statistics to analyze issues of racial injustice through his Data Portraits Visualizing Black America. The first Black person known to have earned a graduate degree in mathematics in the U.S. was Kelly Miller, who went on to use what he had learned as a graduate student at Johns Hopkins to challenge the flawed statistics of eugenics in Fredrick Hoffman’s 1896 book Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro and, as a faculty member at Howard University, taught mathematics as a tool for understanding social issues. The first known Black woman to enter graduate school in mathematics was Anna Julia Cooper, who later dedicated her life to the struggle for racial justice. Almost a century later, former mathematics teacher and civil rights leader Bob Moses declared that ‘mathematics literacy is the literacy of the 21st century,’ and that the failure to provide equitable mathematics education for all has helped maintain the color line that still threatens our democracy […] Historically, mathematics has been used as both an instrument of oppression and an instrument of liberation; mathematics education has reinforced racial hierarchies, but it has also been a gateway for freedom and opportunity. Algorithms and statistics can perpetuate or identify and mitigate racism; mathematical tools can be used to create fairer elections or entrench unjust power dynamics. Mathematics has a role to play in today’s movement for racial justice, and mathematicians can choose how to use their skills to advance justice.” – Evelyn Lamb, Omayra Ortega, and Robin Wilson, “The Role of Mathematics in Today’s Movement for Racial Justice” (2023, p. 319, 323)
The way Evelyn Lamb, Omayra Ortega, and Robin Wilson (2023) describe mathematics’ role in racial justice highlights how learning a subject and the skills associated with it – in this case, Quantitative Reasoning – can be an act of “good, necessary trouble” unto itself. Just as John Lewis discusses how study and preparation are necessary, foundational skills can be applied to address and support a range of issues.
Racial profiling is the “practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin,” such as using these characteristics to decide which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations” (“Racial Profiling: Definition,” 2005). It has been the subject of Black Lives Matter protests, in particular. Such police practices have been defended with a number of arguments. Jack Glaser (2006, p. 396) identifies the arguments that “targeting groups who have a higher criminality rate improves police efficiency and thereby increases public safety” (p. 396) and the more racist belief that there are “real behavioral differences across groups” (p. 395). Glaser, however, used a mathematical simulation to find that “profiling invariably has the effect of increasing differences in incarceration rates between groups” and “popular presumptions about its efficiency are probably overconfident” (p. 413). Camelia Simoiu, Sam Corbett-Davies, and Sharad Goel (2017) developed a statistical approach to detecting discrimination called the threshold test that builds on previous approaches – the benchmark and outcomes tests – and overcomes their limitations. They reached the conclusion that, in “a dataset of 4.5 million motor vehicle stops in North Carolina, [their] threshold test suggests that black and Hispanic motorists face discrimination in search decisions” (p. 1213).
Anecdotal or qualitative data of racial profiling is powerful, particularly when hearing the stories of Black or Latinx people who have been harmed or even killed for supposedly minor police stops. Quantitative data and analyses provide compelling evidence that disproves arguments for the continued use of racial profiling and can be used in court cases and calls for policy changes.
Activity 4.2
- Watch the following video: “A brief history of banned numbers – Alessandra King”
- Discuss what reasons are given for the banning of certain numbers.
- In light of these example of banned numbers, consider the significance of Quantitative Reasoning.
Discussion 4.2
- If you have already taken a course with a primary focus on Quantitative Reasoning, think about what you were asked to do and what you learned. If you have not already taken a Quantitative Reasoning course, think about the types of courses you could take.
- In what ways did or might the idea(s) or example(s) discussed above apply in such a course?
- What other ideas or examples would you add to the discussion?
Media Attributions
- Alchemist Statue © Nathan Rupert is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license