Amanda Simons
You can access each chapter via the contents menu at the top left. Clicking the “+” after each chapter heading in the contents menu will let you navigate directly to subsections of each chapter. As you are reading through each chapter, you can navigate to the next section by clicking the “Next” button in the dark blue ribbon at the bottom right of each screen. There is also a button to navigate back to the previous section.Each chapter begins with a list of objectives. This is what you are meant to take away from the reading. As you read, think about how the text relates to those objectives.
Within most chapters are interactive “Test Your Understanding” questions. These are meant to help you reflect on important parts of the text and practice doing the things listed in the objectives. If you click though, you will get an immediate answer.At the end of each chapter are wrap-up questions that are intended to help you engage more deeply with the text and objectives. Many of these questions are open-ended, and answers are not provided. But they can be useful study tools, and they might spark interesting conversations with your instructor!
This is a work in progress. If you find broken links or typos, please let your instructor know so they can be corrected for the next edition.