Wrap Up

Key Takeaways

  • Matchmaking in online multiplayer games has evolved into a complex process that relies heavily on algorithms and data to ensure fair and engaging gameplay.

  • Systems like Elo and TrueSkill are commonly used, but they come with challenges such as inaccurate skill assessment and the potential for imbalanced matchups, affecting both regular and professional players.

  • Data collection in online multiplayer games is not without ethical considerations; it can affect the secrecy of development and raise questions about who has access to the data.

  • Emerging solutions like neural networks and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems such as SelfAid could offer more dynamic and adaptive approaches to matchmaking, although they bring their own set of challenges and considerations.


  1. How do different ranking systems like Elo and TrueSkill address the challenges of creating balanced matches? What are their limitations?

  2. Research and present an example of an online multiplayer game that has faced criticism for its matchmaking system. Discuss the issues raised and any proposed or implemented solutions.

  3. Considering the ethical implications of data collection in online multiplayer games, what are the potential risks and benefits? Should there be limitations on what data is collected and how it is used?